
  1. Fill in the required information.
  2. Check the correctness.
  3. Save this letter (only the page that you need) in Microsoft Word (.docx) format.
  4. Submit the file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a clear subject line such as “Request for Letter of Inviting Expert.”
  5. Don’t forget to give out your contact information, e.g., telephone number, Line id., etc. Therefore, the staff can contact you immediately if necessary.
  6. Please allow for 3-5 business days for this process. The signed letter should be attached as a reply to your email. Please check back with the staff if you suspect an unusually long waiting time.


  • The letter is not valid without the signature of the Associate Dean.
  • The letter can only be used with the person addressed in the letter. Therefore, feel free to request letters as many as you need.
  • Do not delete, change, or modify any part of the letter after being signed by the Associate Dean 

Research Collaboration Letters

1. Letter for Cooperation in Data Collection
2. Letter for Inviting Expert to Evaluate Instrument
3. Letter of Appreciation for the Cooperation

Master of Education Program in

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
