
          All students must enroll in at least 9 credits and no more than 15 credits each semester. Permission is required to enroll in fewer than 9 credits during any regular semester.


Grading System

          For coursework hours, students will receive a letter grade of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, or F. For thesis hours, students will be issued an S (Satisfactory) or a U (Unsatisfactory) based on the assessment of their progress in their work on the thesis each semester and will receive a final grade of Very Good, Good, Pass, or Fail after taking the thesis examination. Students must receive an average GPA of 3.00 or higher throughout the program to avoid probation and retirement.


Thesis Hour Enrollment

          The students in Plan A and Plan B need to consult with their thesis advisor before enrolling in the thesis hours each semester. A proposed plan for their work on the thesis must be submitted to the thesis advisor every semester. This plan will be used to estimate the number of credit hours to enroll as well as to assess their progress in their thesis work at the end of the semester. At the end of each semester enrolled in thesis, the students must submit the Work-in-Progress Report to the Program Director. If obtaining the result of U (Unsatisfactory) in two consecutive semesters from the thesis, the student ststus will be terminated.


Publication Requirements

          To graduate, parts of the thesis (Plan A,B) and output from the master project (Plan C) must be published or accepted to be published in an academic journal with peer review or be presented in an academic conference which will produce complete proceedings afterwards. 


Comprehensive Exam

          Students in Plan C can enroll in a comprehensive exam after taking all four required courses by the program and must pass the exam before graduation. Students who receive a U must apply for re-examination within the subsequent semester. If the second examination results in another U, the student status will be terminated. The tentative schedule for the comprehensive exam is as follows:



Master of Education Program in

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
