M.Ed. in TEFL Plan B: Thesis and coursework
Plan B : Students are required to take 36 credit hours of courses and conduct a thesis. Parts of the thesis must be published in an academic peer-reviewed journal or presented to an academic conference that produces complete proceedings afterwards.
- A student electing to complete a thesis will be involved in a supervised independent inquiry.
- This will involve constructing knowledge, providing enhanced understanding, or further illuminating the theory upon which the inquiry is built.
- The advisor will assist in selecting appropriate procedures, standards, and formats for conducting and reporting the investigation so that it conforms to accepted practices in academic research within the discipline.
A thesis explores one or more questions or test a hypothesis. It is important that the thesis be conceptualized and structured so that the following aspects are explicit:
- A problem or question being pursued.
- The theoretical base or literature within which the question has been framed.
- The process or method of investigation.
- Findings or observations.
- Conclusions.