Master of Education Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
(International Program)

  • Our M.Ed. in teaching English was started many years ago. This was evidenced by the countless theses that were conducted to complete our program.
  • In 2003, we revised the curriculum into English program, we could produce 14 theses being conducted in the English language from the students entering the program in the years 2003-2005.
  • In 2009, the M.Ed. TEFL Program produced 10 theses from the students who started enrolling in 2006 and 2007.
  • The students who enrolled in 2008 were the last group learning in the M.Ed. TEFL (English program).
  • In 2009, we started recruiting the new student for the M.Ed. TEFL (international program).
  • As for the international academic environment, we will try to create more opportunities for students to be in the international academic atmosphere by providing a chance to recruit more international students and try to invite scholars. 

Master of Education Program in

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
