Curriculum Structure

The Master of Education Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language offers three plans of study as follows:

Plan A : Students are required to conduct a thesis with no coursework requirements. Some students may be required by the program committee to take some courses as non-credit courses (using S/U evaluation criteria) if needed for their research purposes.

Plan B : Students are required to take 36 credit hours of courses and conduct a thesis. Parts of the thesis must be published in an academic peer-reviewed journal or presented to an academic conference that produces complete proceedings afterwards.

Plan C : Students are required to take 33 credit hours of courses and conduct a three-credit hour of research-based master project. Parts of the master project must be published in an academic journal. In addition, the students in Plan C must pass a comprehensive exam as a requirement for graduation. 

The plans of study below apply to students admitted from the academic year 2025 onwards.


Plans of Study (As per Curriculum B.E. 2566)

Master of Education Program in

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
