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Procedures and Documents for Graduation Request Required to be submitted to the Faculty of Education

1. Download “Graduation Request Form” from https://www.edu.chula.ac.th/node/2304 and complete it. Make sure to select the proper form which corresponds with your degree (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) and study plan (Thesis or Non-thesis Plan).

2. Visit https://www.edu.chula.ac.th/node/2304 and fill in the electronic version “Study Report Form”. Select the proper form which corresponds with your degree (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) and study plan (Thesis or Non-thesis Plan).

3. After completing the electronic version, print the system-generated documents from your email. (Print only the page, on which has your name.)

4. Prepare the necessary documents as follows:
4.1) Acceptance letter from a Journal/Conference which identifies the name of the journal, the name of the article, issue, and year of publication.
4.2) Manuscript submitted to a Journal/Conference (The same version which is submitted to Graduate School. If it has not been published yet, use the latest version that was submitted.)
4.3) English proficiency test report (CU-TEP, TOEFL, IELTS)
4.4) Transcript (The latest version that has the grades in the last semester you have registered) downloaded from www.reg.chula.ac.th/eindex.html

5. Submit your thesis to Turnitin at https://turnitin.com to check the plagiarism. Print the Plagiarism checking report with your name and your thesis title and get this document endorsed by the thesis advisor.    

6. Submit all documents from No. 1-4 to the Department or Division to be submitted to the Office of Curriculum Administration and Instructional Management (Graduate Students) and International Affairs via the Lesspaper system.

7. The Graduation Request is mainly based on the date in the Lesspaper system that the Office of Curriculum Administration and Instructional Management (Graduate Students) and International Affairs has received all the documents from the Department or Division.

***For more information, please contact Office of Curriculum Administration and Instructional Management (Graduate Students) and International Affairs, Tel. 0-2218-2565 Extn. 6731.

Graduation Forms

1. Graduation Form (Thesis Plan)  / 
2. Graduation Form (Non-thesis Plan)  / 
3. Graduation Cancellation Form